Posted on 30/06/23 by Rob Lucas

‘Future Star’ Winner 2023

The Digital Labels and Packaging Awards 2023 recently took place, honouring individuals and companies who have demonstrated exceptional innovation and creativity in the digital label and packaging industry. Among the distinguished winners was our Tom Gould, a rising talent who was recognised with the prestigious “Future Star” award.

Watch the moment unfold

“The winning candidate’s development and progress over their time in the company has encompassed various different parts of manufacturing and production, demonstrating commitment to personal development and continuous improvement.”

Judges of the Digital Labels & Packaaging Awards 2023

Rise in the Industry

Tom Gould, a young and aspiring professional in the digital printing and finishing domain, has made significant strides in his career over the past few years. Starting as an enthusiastic learner, Tom has consistently demonstrated his passion, dedication, and innate talent in this dynamic industry. Through his hard work and commitment, Tom has effectively positioned himself as a standout team member, making a lasting impact on the digital labels and packaging landscape.

Tom receiving his Future Star Award

The “Future Star” Award – A Recognised Remarkable Talent

The “Future Star” award is specifically designed to acknowledge individuals who have shown exceptional promise and potential in their respective fields. Tom Gould’s win in this category at the Digital Labels and Packaging Awards 2023 is a testament to his extraordinary talent and his ability to innovate and break new ground within the industry.

Tom Gould’s recognition as the “Future Star” sets a benchmark for aspiring professionals in the digital labels and packaging industry. It serves as an inspiration to young individuals who are just getting started or are looking to make their mark in this ever-evolving sector. Tom’s extraordinary achievements reflect his ability to consistently innovate, adapt to changing industry demands, and execute ideas effectively, making him a role model for future generations in the field.

As we celebrate Tom’s accomplishments, we recognise his contributions to the digital labels and packaging industry and the influence he has received at such an early stage in his career. We can only anticipate the great things that lie ahead for Tom as he continues to help shape the future of Hine and, therefore, the printing industry with his creativity and commitment.

hands holding trophy for Digital Labels and Packaging Awards 2023